音乐粉 > 音乐教程    > 歌词资讯 > 歌曲《I Warned Myself》和《L.M.C.W》哪首悦耳动听

歌曲《I Warned Myself》和《L.M.C.W》哪首悦耳动听

  • 人气:368
  • 收藏:0
  • 发布时间:2023-09-27 17:32:53
CharliePuthUpdates:Hi Charlie,we are CharliePuthUpdates,we share your latest news in China everyday.We'been waiting for you for a long time,and we are all excited to hear that you have came to netease cloud music,we always love you️
2019年8月22日 (35488)|

kerwinfan9:Hey, Charlie! Welcome to Netease music! We have been looking forward to your new song for a long time. This new song is very nice to hear! We can't wait to hear your new album! Hope you can come to China again to give a concert! We love you!
2019年8月22日 (14709)|

我喜欢靠在栏杆上:啊啊啊终于等到了cp3的首单!!《I Warned Myself》!!!卤蛋猹这次终于soon出来了!!你以为猹粉们只等了一个星期?不!!她们是等了某人soon一年的勇士!!!!
2019年8月22日 (5554)|

2019年8月22日 (4934)|

◆◆kerwinfan9:Hey, Charlie! Welcome to Netease music! We have been looking forward to your new song for a long time. This new song is very nice to hear! We can't wait to hear your new album! Hope you can come to China again to give a concert! We love you!
2019年8月22日 (1329)|

CharliePuth:I love my fans in China! I hope to come perform for you soon.
◆◆Iceyblahblah:We really look forward to your album!Chinese fans really like you!I hope I can go to your concert in China next time.Of course you can really tour in many cities in China! Because we have fans in many places are looking forward to listening to your live singing! Happy and healthy
2019年8月22日 (17481)|

猹哭了,说:你很牛吗?这事情不需要讨论,thank you next
2019年8月22日 (1030)|

CharliePuth:I’m so glad my music brings you happiness. Thank you for your support
◆◆箴童:Charlie,you are my favorite singer,your songs bring me happiness and the power.I love you so much and hope you can see me️️
2019年8月22日 (12762)|

2019年8月22日 (985)|

CharliePuth:Thank you so much for support! With hard work you can achieve anything
◆◆Diur-20:hallo ,i am your fans .i really love your music,when i was watched your
interview i think you are a lovely person who really love music creationbecause of you I wanna try my hard to learning English and i I hope your career is getting better and better
2019年8月22日 (13101)|

北风归鹤港:猹猹的声音太迷人又骚性~ 我爱死了[西西心动]
2019年8月22日 (925)|

CharliePuth:I hope to perform in China soon. I’m so lucky to have fans like you
◆◆查理普斯的断眉:come to China with your new album soos plz we love you Charlie!
2019年8月22日 (12438)|

CharliePuth:Thank you for supporting my new song. I hope to come visit China soon
◆◆五包辣条-:hi,Charlie ,i love your song very much !Your song make me happy and power . I hope you can come to China one day !
2019年8月22日 (12051)|

机智的陈皮:我疯狂爱你!查理普斯 !cp3终于soon出来了 !鸽王不存在的!!!!
2019年8月22日 (885)|

CharliePuth:Thank you for your support on my new song. I can’t wait to come to China to perform it
◆◆Chupot:hey Charlie,Your new song is really AWESOME!!! I like you so much.You and your songs van always give me power when I am down.Thank you Charlie.And thank you the music you bring to us. I hope I could have another chance to see u in China
2019年8月22日 (13446)|


9月18日 18:04 (1)|

9月6日 01:20|

8月22日 16:06|

巴博司:You finally come in 2023. 
Really excited!
◆◆CharliePuth:I hope to perform in China soon. I’m so lucky to have fans like you
8月20日 17:26|

8月8日 11:38|

8月3日 11:06|

7月30日 16:46 (10)|

7月24日 21:50|

漫枫黄昏:1分37秒的窒息好性感 超了
7月15日 22:44 (1)|

7月4日 20:59 (3)|

7月2日 13:45 (1)|

6月16日 21:04 (2)|

6月12日 20:31|

Lila:'Cause if ya do I'll be the first to put my hands around your thr-
6月8日 15:07|

6月8日 04:13|

5月27日 17:55 (2)|

5月27日 13:04 (1)|

5月20日 13:01 (1)|

5月10日 15:31 (1)|


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